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Problem with DR24 short cadence data

News article posted on by Knicole Colon

The Q2--Q16 Data Release 24 (DR24) short-cadence (SC) data, which was processed with the SOC 9.2 pipeline, is incorrect and virtually unusable for projects requiring high photometric precision. The problem was traced to an error in the pipeline module that calibrates the pixels, specifically in how it handles the black model calculated by the Dynablack algorithm. As a result, the SC calibrated pixels available in the target pixel files, and the light curves based on these pixels, are excessively noisy. All DR24 SC data processed by CAL using Dynablack are affected. In other words, only the SC data from Q0, Q1 and Q17, as well as a few select channels in Q2--Q16, are valid. Unfortunately, no flag exists in the DR24 data files to indicate whether a target was calibrated using Dynablack. Users are encouraged to regress to an earlier data release, if they have the required files in their possession (i.e., these earlier releases are no longer available from the MAST archive), or they can wait for the next and final SC data release (DR25). This calibration problem has been fixed and the final reprocessing is expected to be available in Summer, 2016. There is no impact on the long-cadence data for either DR24 or DR25.