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PNGs for K2 FFIs available at MAST

News article posted on by Jeff Coughlin

The K2 mission has created static PNG images for all of the K2 Full-Field Images (FFIs) from each campaign. These images have a flux scaling designed to highlight features that are likely to be of interest to users of the science data, such as bleed trails and reflections from bright objects, background flux variation, and image artifacts.

The PNGs can be found at and include three types of images, each at ~2,000 by 2,000 pixel resolution:

  • Per-FFI: Found in the "ffi" subdirectory, there is one PNG for each FFI of each K2 campaign.

  • Per-Module: Found in the "mod" subdirectory, there is one PNG for each module of each FFI of each K2 campaign.

  • Per-Chanel: Found in the "ch" subdirectory, there is one PNG for each channel of each FFI of each K2 campaign.

Users are encouraged to consult these PNGs to potentially provide broader spatial context to the observations of individual objects. Some examples are provided below, along with a figure showing the module and channel layout of the detector.

Note that channels/modules that were inoperable when the image was taken will appear blank, but are still included for completeness.

The PNG for the C16 FFI taken when Earth was in the field of view.
The PNG for module 14 of a C5 FFI, which contains the Beehive Cluster.
The PNG for channel 45 of a C9 FFI, which has the galactic center in the corner.
The layout of the Kepler detector.