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Kepler's K2 Mission reaches 300,000 standard targets and 200 confirmed planets

News article posted on by Geert Barentsen

During Campaigns 0 through 14, the K2 mission has now targeted an estimated 297,991 objects, including 50,159 cool dwarf stars, 37,041 giant stars, 40,125 galaxies, and 1,560 white dwarfs. The number of confirmed K2 planets recently surpassed 200 and now stands at 212!

The flyer below, which was distributed at the recent Winter AAS meeting, summarizes a few of these statistics.

These numbers will further increase upon the upcoming data releases for Campaign 15 and 16. We also note that the numbers do not include the very large number of objects observed as part of the large "superstamps" collected towards the Galactic Bulge and multiple clusters.

K2 by the numbers