This is the development version of the Kepler/K2 science website. For the live website, visit

New in Lightkurve: the Periodogram class

This month in Lightkurve, we have added a Periodogram class, which provides a quick and easy way to create Lomb-Scargle periodograms from LightCurve objects.

Periodograms can be used to find stellar rotation rates, or the oscillation and pulsation frequencies of stars. They are commonly used in asteroseismology to identify oscillation …

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Release of high-cadence guide star photometry

The Kepler and K2 Fine Guidance Sensor (FGS) data is now available online at MAST. This data contains the highest time sampling possible with Kepler, with integration times of 0.104 seconds and a median cadence of 30 seconds.

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